I was responsible for creating new graphics and images in support of the new Water Sustainability Tool, a section of GEMI’s Web site used as a water usage guide for corporations.  An interactive map of a fictional location was designed in support of this Web site. You can view the site here.

GeoDecisions Presentations and Website


I have been creating the companywide PowerPoint presentations for GeoDecisions for several years, the above images reflect a changing but similar feeling template over several years.

Here is a site that I created the graphics and interface for and handed it off to the programmer to assemble. The site was recently updated using a CMS, shown in the bottom two images using. I continued to add visuals to the project, including jquery interactions.

NYC DOH Rat Information Portal

This portal uses map-based tools to help residents and city managers know where rats have been found. In addition, RIP includes supporting documentation on understanding how to manage the presence of rats in the city. I was tasked to design the interface within NYC DOH standards and layout the pages.

Gannett Fleming Presentations and Website


I created the graphics, interface and flash banner for our previous website. Once the look was approved, I created all the graphical pieces and let the programmers handle the database driven projects and content.

Hope Springs Farm

Burkley Creative was tasked to create a new website for this fantastic non-profit adult care farm. It is a self-sustaining farm that needed a website to help promote it and fund raise.


I used HTML and CSS to build this site that is a portal for documents that support the InteracTIP initiative. The first step was to design the InteracTIP logo and from there my role was to develop an exciting, interesting, animated presentation of the information about the InteracTIP. I converted the content into HTML, added photos, graphics and laid out the pages using CSS.

Millar Elevator Sales Training Tool

Millar Elevator Company contracted Pinnacle Interactive to video shoot and design an interactive CD-ROM sales training tool. Repair Eyes taught the sales crew what to look for when going into a customer’s jobsite. The theme for the program was in the “Unsolved Mysteries” style, to give the subject matter some more pizzazz.

Outdoor InSite

Outdoor InSite is a unique site that really wants to get the fishermen and outdoorsmen involved using social media like Twitter and Facebook. I designed the interface with this marketing aspects in mind. We designed a rugged and techy looking site that is aimed at getting the attention of investors and consumers.

Owens Corning Benefits and Compensation

This program with Owens Corning was created in a partnership with Findley Davies. It was an informational CD-ROM that helped OC employees understand their benefits and compensation. It was a program that was updated every year to relate the changes in the market. This program also had multiple paths in which the user chooses, based on their ID.

Pinnacle Interactive Online Marketing

After the new logo was designed, part of the new branding strategy included a new website, I was tasked with creating the website.